Complete Streets Program

Transforming Our Communities Through Transportation!

Bascom Complete Street rendering

At VTA, we believe that streets are more than just avenues for cars; they are vital corridors that connect our communities and shape our urban landscape. Our Complete Streets Program is a visionary initiative aimed at creating safe, accessible, and equitable transportation networks for everyone, regardless of how they travel.

What are Complete Streets?

Complete Streets are roads designed with all users in mind: pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and public transit riders of all ages and abilities. These streets are carefully planned to accommodate diverse modes of transportation while promoting safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. The goal is to foster vibrant, livable communities where people can comfortably and safely move around, whether they're walking to a local park, biking to work, or taking a bus to a nearby shopping center.

Key Objectives of the Program:
  1. Safety First: Our top priority is ensuring the safety of all road users. Complete Streets are designed with features such as well-marked crosswalks, bike lanes, and traffic calming measures that reduce the risk of accidents and promote responsible driving behaviors.
  2. Accessibility: We're committed to making our streets accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Sidewalks, curb ramps, and other infrastructure elements are designed to meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards, providing a seamless experience for all.
  3. Multi-Modal Options: By incorporating bike lanes, bus lanes, and transit stops, we're encouraging people to embrace alternative modes of transportation. This reduces congestion, decreases air pollution, and offers healthier travel choices.
  4. Community Engagement: We value the input of our communities. Through extensive engagement and collaboration with local residents, businesses, and organizations, we ensure that our designs reflect the unique needs and desires of each neighborhood.
  5. Environmental Sustainability: By promoting walking, cycling, and public transit use, we're contributing to a greener, more sustainable future. Reduced vehicular emissions and improved air quality are just a couple of the positive environmental outcomes.

How Can You Get Involved?

Your voice matters! Participate in community workshops, meetings, and surveys to provide insights that shape the design of your streets. Stay informed about project developments and lend your support to initiatives that make your neighborhood safer and more accessible for everyone.

For more information on this project, please call VTA’s Community Outreach at (408) 321-7575, (TTY) 408-321-2330, or email

Transforming Our Communities Through Transportation!

Bascom Complete Street rendering

At VTA, we believe that streets are more than just avenues for cars; they are vital corridors that connect our communities and shape our urban landscape. Our Complete Streets Program is a visionary initiative aimed at creating safe, accessible, and equitable transportation networks for everyone, regardless of how they travel.

What are Complete Streets?

Complete Streets are roads designed with all users in mind: pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and public transit riders of all ages and abilities. These streets are carefully planned to accommodate diverse modes of transportation while promoting safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. The goal is to foster vibrant, livable communities where people can comfortably and safely move around, whether they're walking to a local park, biking to work, or taking a bus to a nearby shopping center.

Key Objectives of the Program:
  1. Safety First: Our top priority is ensuring the safety of all road users. Complete Streets are designed with features such as well-marked crosswalks, bike lanes, and traffic calming measures that reduce the risk of accidents and promote responsible driving behaviors.
  2. Accessibility: We're committed to making our streets accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Sidewalks, curb ramps, and other infrastructure elements are designed to meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards, providing a seamless experience for all.
  3. Multi-Modal Options: By incorporating bike lanes, bus lanes, and transit stops, we're encouraging people to embrace alternative modes of transportation. This reduces congestion, decreases air pollution, and offers healthier travel choices.
  4. Community Engagement: We value the input of our communities. Through extensive engagement and collaboration with local residents, businesses, and organizations, we ensure that our designs reflect the unique needs and desires of each neighborhood.
  5. Environmental Sustainability: By promoting walking, cycling, and public transit use, we're contributing to a greener, more sustainable future. Reduced vehicular emissions and improved air quality are just a couple of the positive environmental outcomes.

How Can You Get Involved?

Your voice matters! Participate in community workshops, meetings, and surveys to provide insights that shape the design of your streets. Stay informed about project developments and lend your support to initiatives that make your neighborhood safer and more accessible for everyone.

For more information on this project, please call VTA’s Community Outreach at (408) 321-7575, (TTY) 408-321-2330, or email