bicyclists on trail
Bike riding is on the rise, celebrate "Bike to Wherever" Day!

If there’s one thing we’re seeing through this time of social change is that bike riding has seen an uptick. As we celebrate National Bike Month in May, and the long-standing tradition of Bike to Work Day today, we recommend that you get on that bike and ride to “wherever”. Snap a photo and share on social media tagging #BTWD2020 and the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition.

Although many businesses and activities are closed due to COVID, bike lanes and trails are open. Guadalupe River, Los Gatos Creek, San Tomas Aquino Creek, Coyote Creek, Penitencia Creek, and the Bay Trails are all awaiting your visit. It’s easy to keep your physical distance when riding a bike solo or with your in-home, social distancing crew. A mask is not required when you’re out exercising but keep one in your pocket so you can stop by one of your favorite ice cream shops for a cool treat.

The traditional Bay Area Bike to Work Day has been rescheduled for September 24 and we’ll keep you posted on the next Viva CalleSJ. With the Tour de France postponed from June to the fall potentially, and our beloved Olympic Games hanging in the balance, it just means that there’s no need to sit at home watching sports on TV when you could be riding your bike in the great outdoors. Biking is for everyone so keep those bike tires and your motivation pumped up!

VTA is a strong proponent of bicycle commuting and allowing bikes and transit to work together seamlessly. We are enabling and encouraging people to bike more through our comprehensive Bicycle Program that is committed to improving the bicycle infrastructure throughout Santa Clara County. Implemented in 1998, the program provides facilities, services, and programs dedicated to make bicycling a safer and more practical option for residents and visitors.

Happy and safe riding!


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